Friday 5 February 2010

Family study

Hello chaps!

Thanks for coming along to the session on Thursday, here is some of the stuff we went over!

Teamwork with partner 

ICE- asking why?

Nearly every single feedback form I read said “ICE in more detail- ask why?”

The mother was worried because the baby was not kicking

Why was she worried?

What did she think this may signify?

Why did they think in that way?

What did they expect would happen?

The mother did not want to go to antenatal classes

Why not?

Why did she think they would make her worry?

The mother was concerned about downs syndrome due o her age

Has she got expeiriance of downs syndrom children?

How would it effect her pregnancy?

How would it impact her life?

Mum got on well with the midwife

Why is that important to her?

The mum felt lucky not to have morning sickness

How would it have effected her?



Gathering information

This study was essentially qualitative. Information was obtained from:

Semi-structured interviews. My partner and I took turns at asking questions (open and closed) and taking down notes.

Observing- General observations were helpful in drawing a picture of the family and Loretta’s experience. 

GP notes and antenatal records

Textbooks, Internet, lectures and seminars helped to prepare questions for each visit. 

Data triangulation was achieved by comparing information gathered from the family with GP and antenatal records, and talking to Loretta’s GP. 

Ethical issues - We made sure that the family was aware that all information would be confidential, and names would be anonymised. We stressed that should Loretta not wish to participate in the study anymore, she could withdraw at any point. Informed consent was obtained before viewing any records and discussing sensitive issues. 

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